Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reagan { Tooele Utah Children Photographer}

First I have to apologize, I have been so busy with so many things I haven't even taken the time to come over and post to this lovely blog. I promise I will do better! So now that I have blown the dust off and brushed the cobwebs off of this bad boy be ready to enjoy some mad cuteness!

This sweet and simply adorable little gal is my only sisters darling baby Reagan. She is simply BEAUTIFUL. She is one of those babies that if you smile at her she always has the biggest smile right back.....except for yesterday.  She was having sort of a DIVAISH kind of a day as we all do and only wanted her Mommy. This wasn't all bad except for ever time we put her down she sprang into tears. I even gave her, her very first sucker to try to make it stop.  That being said I think we ended up with some ADORABLE shots.  Enjoy~


  1. Reagan is absolutely gorgeous! She had some serious sweetness going on along with her sad diva day. I wanted to reach in and snuggle those cute cheeks.
    Em, you are an amazing and talented photographer!
    I am so impressed:) Just thought I would stop by and say hi. xo
    (ElizaBeth was my G Grandmother's name, and when I started to blog it sort of became mine too!:)

  2. Sooo....I tried to comment before and I guess it didn't work? I LOVE these pics. You rock hard core. You are too legit to quit. You are the bees knees. You're the shizzle for rizzle.You are a numba # stunna! :) Thanks!
